Stone (aka Jgo Miles High) Adopted

2 years old · Male · Red Fawn · Not Cat Tolerant · Origin: Not Provided


Pedigree Information

Greyhound Data provides information about greyhounds from all over the world with pedigree information drawn from the last four centuries.

Click here and you will find the pedigree, the littermates, and the races of Stone.


Stone has learned a lot in his time here. He’s proficient with the dog door, has never messed in the house or chewed anything inappropriate, and will sleep most anywhere. He does not like stairs and so far, hasn’t tried to use them. He’s very well behaved and he really doesn’t have any bad habits.

He would love to be in a home with a playmate he can run and play with. He’s good on walks with a harness, and has gotten a lot calmer when seeing other dogs nearby. He’s been to a dog park a couple of times, and played well.

He’s sometimes shy around new people, but I’ve found that ignoring him allows him to approach on his own. He cannot be forced to greet people, and I’ve not figured out what the differences are about people he instantly greets and those he doesn’t.

Stone loves to cuddle and will accept affection like hugs and kisses. His coat is very soft and people love to touch him. He allows me to trim his nails, which I find remarkable -- even slept through it once. Of course, he loves to look out the car window and put his head out for the full aroma effect. He doesn’t get car sick, isn’t sensitive to thunderstorms, and has no fear of vacuum cleaners.

Stone is ready and eager to go with you wherever you want to take him. He’s very curious about everything, (what’s a fridge, and whoo, there are treats in the pantry!). He’s not food aggressive and doesn’t try to steal the other dog’s treats or food. He has a hearty appetite. We’re trying to correct the begging at the table behavior, but again, he’s not ever aggressive about sneaking any. He is tall enough to counter surf, so we keep him out of the kitchen when the stove is hot.

Stone is a happy, calm, very loving and beautiful boy. He is big, and strong, and you will love showing him off. He will make someone a wonderful companion for life.


Updated: 12 April 2023 07:17:01