Marilyn (aka Keeper Marilyn) Adopted

6 years old · Female · Black · Cat Tolerant · Origin: Not Provided


Pedigree Information

Greyhound Data provides information about greyhounds from all over the world with pedigree information drawn from the last four centuries.

Click here and you will find the pedigree, the littermates, and the races of Marilyn.


Marilyn (aka Keeper Marilyn) is a small, jet black female born October 31, 2014 with no races on record. Marilyn is extremely timid. Marilyn has been in foster care for over 7 months and is just starting to trust her foster Mom. To appreciate how far she has come out of her shell, I need to share how she was. When she came into the household, she spent months in a corner of the Master bedroom and would back away, shake and pee if approached. Meals and water were brought to her and she would only eat when I turned my back. I would have to corner her to pet her and she would freeze with eyes wide open when touched. She didn't appear to like human interaction and would only wag her tail at the other dogs in household.

Over time with giving her space, being calm and speaking in a soft voice and plenty of patience, Marilyn now shows actual enjoyment around her foster Mom. She's comfortable in the family room and coming into the kitchen for meals and treats. When I wake up in the morning and come home from work, Marilyn is with the rest of the pack to greet me. She jumps around me, wags tail and has to lick my hand multiple times. She has started to play with toys and loves to pick toys from chest and bring them to her bed in the early morning. She can be mischievous with paper towels by tearing them to pieces and going into laundry room to get socks. She really likes to hoard socks but does not tear them. She doesn't try to jump on furniture and seems to like big, fluffy dog beds that she can sink in. The majority of the time, she prefers to quietly lie on a dog bed around the rest of the pack and be within eye sight of her foster Mom. She gets along with the rest of the grey pack, senior Cavalier King Charles and Bengal cat in the household.

Even though Marilyn has made tremendous strides, she is still uncomfortable around new folks and new areas. M&G are not her favorite. She paces and is still nervous when the garbage truck comes by and won't go outside if she hears kids playing in their backyard. She is OK with rain but can be anxious with loud thunder. Marilyn would do best in a quiet, calm household with no children and with a family that has experience with timid dogs that would like to add another grey to their pack and who would love her for who she is.

Marilyn Marilyn

Updated: 12 April 2023 07:17:01