JJ (aka BJ Boobrad) Adopted

4 years old · Male · Black · Cat Tolerance Unknown · Origin: Not Provided


Pedigree Information

Greyhound Data provides information about greyhounds from all over the world with pedigree information drawn from the last four centuries.

Click here and you will find the pedigree, the littermates, and the races of JJ.


JJ is a retired racing greyhound with a loving demeanor. He adjusted well within days of being taken into his foster home. He is a very curious, confident dog and likes to explore every inch of his environment. He walks well on a leash, but he is still getting used to the busy sights and sounds of a typical park. He will move away from strange or fast-moving objects during walks, like joggers and baby strollers. He is probably not safe with small dogs.

JJ loves people and could be petted for hours. He gets very excited when his foster mom gets home from work, and he likes to follow her around the house. He is less interested in other dogs, but he has played chase with his housemate a few times. JJ has shown some signs of space aggression, mostly in the car, but he seems to be getting more tolerant of his housemate with time. He would do well with other dogs who are respectful of his space, but he would also be fine as an only dog. He has not had any accidents in the house. He gets in his crate happily but does not like to be in it for long periods of time. After an initial adjustment period, he probably won’t need to be crated. He has done well when left alone out of the crate for short stints. His house manners have improved significantly with correction, and he now stays off the furniture.

JJ will make a wonderful companion. Please consider giving him a forever home.


Updated: 12 April 2023 07:17:01