Geneva (aka Frances Bavier) Adopted

21 months old · Female · Brindle · Cat Tolerance Unknown · Origin: Not Provided


Pedigree Information

Greyhound Data provides information about greyhounds from all over the world with pedigree information drawn from the last four centuries.

Click here and you will find the pedigree, the littermates, and the races of Geneva.


Geneva is a petite brindle girl who will be 2 years old in August. She has had no accidents in the house nor does she have any interest in getting on the furniture. Her house manners, in general, are very good. She does enjoy a daily walk.

Geneva is very fearful and tentative of new people, noises and places. She will need a patient home to help her through her fears. After six weeks in foster care she is just now becoming more curious about us and her surroundings and starting to discover toys.

She sleeps on a dog bed in the master bedroom at night and crates well when we are gone. She does fine with both large and small dogs. Geneva would do best in an adult home with another dog to show her the ropes and be her leader.

Please stop by one of our Meet & Greets to meet Geneva.

Geneva Geneva

Updated: 12 April 2023 07:17:01