Greyhounds Unlimited Senior & Special Needs Greyhounds Food/Care Fund Donation Commitment YES, I want to participate with a total annual commitment of $________. Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________ State________ ZIP_______________ Phone: (_____)____________________ Email:_______________________________________ Date:_______________________ I prefer to: _____ Send a check for $25.00 each month payable to GU; _____ Send a check for $_______ quarterly; $________ semi-annually; _____ Send a lump-sum donation in the amount of $_________. Checks should be made payable to "Greyhounds Unlimited" with a notation of **Senior/Special Needs Food/Care Fund** and mailed to: Greyhounds Unlimited P.O. Box 703967 Dallas, TX 75370-3967 A Greyhounds Unlimited donation receipt will be provided to you at the calendar year end for the total of your annual remitted amount. Thanks for your help! The Greyhound Rescue Society of Texas, Inc., dba "Greyhounds Unlimited" is a Non-Profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to finding caring and responsible homes for retired racing and rescued greyhounds.