

2011 "Be An Angel" Campaign
Spread Your Wings and Watch Over the Greyhounds in GU's Care |
2011 Holiday Angels
- Sarah & Mike Bueno are Angels for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Gryf and Belle, the lights of our life.
- Louanne Rice is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Duchess
- Sandy Braman Boyles is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Titus; In Honor of Raven
- Leslie and the gang is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Misha
- Jennifer Iorio & James Demarest are Angels for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Destiny Demarest
- Jeff and Molly Jarrett is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Kevin Jarrett
- Karen Laucka is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Elvis and Gracie; In Honor of Maya
- Mick Cliff is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care
- DeAnne Blackwell is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Gretchen Beckert is an Angel for Donnie (aka New Dawn)
- Greta Fishburn is an Angel for Joslyn; In Honor of Noah Bruce
- Sammye C. is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Karie Blessing is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of B.W. aka Bradley a mixed greyhound pup from 1996
- Gail Mayes is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Denise Saleh, Happy Birthday to a very special person, from the Tyler Group
- Kim, Larry, Quanah and Cammie Danforth is an Angel for Donnie (aka New Dawn); In Memory of Kiva
- Lisa and Bob Hampton is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Kanga
- Kate Howell is an Angel for Miles; In Memory of Hunter, Sheba and Sergugio
- Kate Howell is an Angel for Miles In Honor of Janis Brown, the best Delta-sitter ever!
- Mr. & Mrs. Bart Eltiste is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Step N Fast & Tex; In Honor of Elle & Judge
- Jim McIntosh is an Angel for Flak; In Memory of Penelope McIntosh
- Jim McIntosh is an Angel for Joslyn; In Memory of Fonzarelli McIntosh
- Laurie Moore is an Angel for Donnie (aka New Dawn); In Honor of Abused dogs everywhere
- Martha & Graydon Clark are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Ben & Magic
- Maureen Lowe is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Vladimir
- Tina Giles is watching over Eclipse; In Memory of Ebony & Ginger
- Bob Laffel is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Mike Moniot is an Angel for Donnie (aka New Dawn); In Memory of Senna and Greymoor
- Sherri Miller is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Daisy and Poppi
- Bernie & Carol Hehn are Angels for All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Judy Chaplin is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Bob Chaplin and our Greys Neva and Tink
- Jack and Linda Tinsley and Classy Model is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Redd Rocket and Slade
- Janice Fleet is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Susan and Asia
- GFA Limited Partnership/Carolyn G. Compton is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Betsie Sue and Claytie Jane
- GFA Limited Partnership/Carolyn G. Compton is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Kisseee and Rikkeee
- Barbara Sudweeks is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Venus
- Bob & Lisa Hampton are watching over Amy
- Bob & Lisa Hampton are watching over Dart
- Bob & Lisa Hampton are watching over Pretty
- Bob & Lisa Hampton are watching over VV
- Don & Nancy Callas are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Robbie
- Jeannette McIntosh is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care for my brother Jim McIntosh; In Honor of Penelope McIntosh "Fonzi"
- Jordan & Charlene Chaney are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Steven & Carol McPike are watching over Hot; In Memory of Rudy McPike
- Steven & Carol McPike are watching over Image; In Memory of Rudy McPike
- Dave Gillen & Lois Teed-Gillen are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Cissy, Frenchy and PD
- Dave Gillen & Lois Teed-Gillen are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Peaches and Woody
- MaryLou Hubisz is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In memory of Scout and Lee
- Glenn & Lori Neblett are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- The Jon Hamilton Family are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Sadie
- The Jon Hamilton Family are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Roxy
- John & Dolly Carpenter are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Mike & Lynn Fisher are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Kathy Rakestraw & pack are Angels for Donnie (aka New Dawn); In Honor of All the Forgotten Angels
- Karen Rasmussen is an Angel for Eclipse
- Karen Rasmussen is an Angel for Hot
- Karen Rasmussen is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Dr. Mallery Mayo and Family is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Our Greyhound Dublin
- John and Betty Wilson is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Bailey, Tremor and Hogan
- Al Combest is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Lady (Roaring Gem), My very first GH and really why there is a Greyhounds Unlimited
- Eddie and Becky McAllister is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of All Greyhounds waiting on their forever home
- Jim Michener is an Angel for Carly; In Memory of Abby, my GU greyhound who passed 10 years ago
- Jim Michener is an Angel for Hardy; In Memory of Mr. Roy, my rescued English Poiner who passed 11/29/11
- Shadow & Marty's Pet Care Services is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Donnie
- The Cartwrights is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Donnie
- Maly's forever family - Adopted 2009 is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Greyhounds Unlimited's work with the hounds
- Monique Boutot is an Angel for Donnie (aka New Dawn)
- Tisha and Ford Phillips is an Angel for Donnie (aka New Dawn); In Honor of Hutch
- Bonnie Loewenstein is an Angel for Donnie (aka New Dawn)
- Terry, Denise & Travis Case is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Debra & Chuck Przelomiec is an Angel for Donnie (aka New Dawn); In Memory of Airedales Dexter & Kobe
- The Balslys is an Angel for Amy
- The Balslys is an Angel for Flak
- Tom and Gail Moffat is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Angel, Noga, Hercules, Petra and Baxter
- Brad & Kathy Cleveland are watching over All Greyhounds in GU’s care
- Mitchell, Prissy & Logan, Tea' and Porsche Swindell are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Friends & Family (both 4 legged & 2 legged) of Porsche (formerly know as "Patt")
- Kelly Wells is watching over Anika
- Kelly Wells is watching over Rumba
- Dee Whittlesey is watching over Miz; In Honor of Mary, Hannah's angel
- Dee Whittlesey is watching over Amy; In Honor of Mary, Hannah's angel
- Pat Lynch is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of All our beloved Greyhounds
- John & Deb Sand are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Carole Coffman is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Thia; Go-Go; Jocylin and Terra
- David & LuAnn Casto are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Ken & Lenore Raich are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Dan & LaDelle Springer are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In memory of Thor / Whiffin
- Jack Desoto is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In honor of Brad & Kathy Cleveland
- Cam & Adriane Mason are watching over Flak
- Amy Keene is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Deanna & Ronald Palmer are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In memory of Angel, Java, Xena, Savannah & Krystal
- Mack Stewart is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Lii Wang & Jerome Campion are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Roger & Margo Arrick are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Paul & Susan Laplante are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Audacity Episode
- Kyle and Jolyn Allen are watching over Violet; In Memory of Flirt Withem and Lt. Worf
- Kyle and Jolyn Allen are watching over Eagle; In Memory of Flirt Withem and Lt. Worf
- Linda Perry is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of All my Greys waiting at the bridge
- Austin Hutton & Pat Alexander are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Aileen Gauntt is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Blanco & Bandera
- Aileen Gauntt is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Magic
- Zeus Hampton (adopted 3 years ago by Alan & Theresa) is watching over Zone; In Honor of Zeus Hampton
- Donna Favour is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Mary Jane Conner is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Hollywood and Breezy
- Melissa Doss is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Moonshiner
- Christina Finch is watching over Duke
- Peggy Brown is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Nancy Loret de Mola is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Grandma Phyllis
- Peyton, Debra, Kelly and Daniel Allen is an Angel for Zilla; In Memory of Daytona who shared her heart with us!
- Peyton, Debra, Kelly and Daniel Allen is an Angel for Arian; In Memory of Daytona who shared her heart with us!
- Peyton, Debra, Kelly and Daniel Allen is an Angel for Eclipse; In Memory of Daytona who shared her heart with us!
- Peyton, Debra, Kelly and Daniel Allen is an Angel for Hot; In Memory of Daytona who shared her heart with us!
- Peyton, Debra, Kelly and Daniel Allen is an Angel for Image; In Memory of Daytona who shared her heart with us!
- Kimberly Russell is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Denise & Gail
- Tom Crull is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Scout, Conan and Dusty; In Honor of Molly, Andy, Iris, Slam and Zilla
- In appreciation for the volunteer work and efforts for the Greyhounds in GU's care, Gail and Bill Mayes are Angels for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of ; In Honor of Gail and Bill Mayes
- In appreciation for the volunteer work and efforts for the Greyhounds in GU's care, Amanda and Bryan Baker are Angels for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of ; In Honor of Amanda and Bryan Baker
- In appreciation for the volunteer work and efforts for the Greyhounds in GU's care, Pat Riley is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of ; In Honor of Pat Riley
- In appreciation for the volunteer work and efforts for the Greyhounds in GU's care, Ricky Polcer is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of ; In Honor of Ricky Polcer
- In appreciation for the volunteer work and efforts for the Greyhounds in GU's care, Shirley McInnis is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of ; In Honor of Shirley McInnis
- In appreciation for the volunteer work and efforts for the Greyhounds in GU's care, Geneil Avery is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of ; In Honor of Geneil Avery
- In appreciation for the volunteer work and efforts for the Greyhounds in GU's care, Stacey Riley is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of ; In Honor of Stacey Riley
- In appreciation for the volunteer work and efforts for the Greyhounds in GU's care, Joyce and Don Kessel are Angels for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of ; In Honor of Joyce and Don Kessel
- Cory Portwood is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Honor of Penny (formerly Peso)
- The Cartwrights is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care; In Memory of Shannon, Reilly &; Nikki; In Honor of Macy, Dolley, Starry &; Adam
- Shelby Costner is an Angel for Miles; In Memory of White Lightning & FlyOut Fanny
- Jim DeGraff is an Angel for All Greyhounds in GU's care
- Sharon Barker is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care.
- Patrick Ullrich is watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care.
- Doug & Micky Nielsen are watching over All Greyhounds in GU's care in Memory of Gabbie, Whisper and Hazel.
2010 Angels | 2009 Angels | 2008 Angels | 2007 Angels | 2003 Angels | 2002 Angels |