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Open House 2001 at the Lemon's Kennel
Saturday, June 16, 2001

We did it for the hounds.

About 260 of us did, that is. And the hounds say "thank you." Although it comes out as "AhRooooo".

We came with our greys. We came without our greys. Some of us were old friends who stopped by to say, "hi." Some of us were from other rescue groups wanting to share their love of the hounds.

The first Open House at the Lemon's Kennel was a success. People and greyhounds everywhere. Guests who weren't greyhound parents were amazed that so many could be in one place and get along.

Maybe that's one reason we love them.

We chatted with other greyhound parents, some we haven't seen in years. We opened our hearts and wallets. We bought greyhound memorabilia from the Sales Tent, entered in the Greyt Roo Raffle, or bid in the auction under the shade trees.

Throughout the day we also were able to enjoy some fine Texas wines. Of course, a few of our four-legged children helped themselves to snacks from the wine table.

Potential parents could "adopt a grey for a day." We hoped that maybe our needle nose companions would work their magic. Indeed some did, because seven found forever homes. Six other folks are even considering adoption because of the greys loving eyes.

And what should all greyhound parents do when they get home? Why brush their children's teeth, of course! Marijean Grunewald, DVM, educated us about proper doggie dental care. Yes, there really is poultry-flavored dog toothpaste, and it really doesn't smell bad.

We did it for the hounds, and we had a good time.

Check out the following photos for a brief visual tour of the Open House, Click on the thumbnail photos for a larger view.

Enjoying shade by the pond.
Enjoying the Shade by the Pond.
People coming...
People Coming...
... And People going.
...And People Going.
Some old friends stopping by.
Some Old Friends Stopping By.
Greys and Their Parents Are Everywhere.
Greys and Their Parents Are Everywhere.
Buying Something for Me?
Buying Something for Me?
Food For All.
Food For All.
Ahhh, Relief!
Ahhh, Relief!
Let's taste some wine.
Let's taste some wine.
Are My Teeth Ok, Doc?
Are My Teeth Ok, Doc?
Paying Close Attention.
Paying Close Attention.
What's my bid for this...
What's my bid for this...?
Greys of Every Size.

Greys of Every Size

Adopt me for a day or...a Lifetime?

Adopt me for a Day...or a Lifetime?

The End.
The End.

You can see the above photos in a short slide show. The slide show will take about 10 minutes to download if you have a 28kbps modem, 5 minutes to download if you have a 56kbps modem, and so on. You will see the slide show as it downloads. It will repeat (much more quickly) until you stop it.

Click this link to download and view the slide show in your browser.

Finally, a greyt big Thank You to everyone for coming to the Open House.

And a double "AhRooooo" go to the GU board and the unsung volunteers for putting on the Open House.





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