Thank you for your interest in Greyhounds Unlimited as a volunteer. The

Greyhound Rescue Society of Texas, Inc., dba Greyhounds Unlimited, is a

nonprofit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to finding caring and responsible

homes for retired track and rescued greyhounds. There are many Greyhound

breeding farms in Texas and breeders donate dogs that have finished (or in

some cases, never began) their racing careers. Greyhounds Unlimited was

founded in 1991 and our area covers the North to Central Texas regions.

Without volunteers we could not accomplish or further this mission in helping

these wonderful creatures. All volunteers are required to be 18 years or older.

We ask that you make a six-month commitment to the Volunteer Program. Please

complete and return this volunteer application to the address shown above. Upon

review of your application, a phone interview and volunteer job availability,

you will be required to participate in an orientation program about Greyhounds.




Home Phone #_____________________________Work Phone #___________________________

Mobile #_________________________________Fax #__________________________________



Email____________________________________May we contact/fax you at work?________

Birthdate_____________SS#_____________________Drivers License #_________________

Emergency Contact_______________________________________________________________


Please list two references:

   1. Name________________________________________Phone_________________________

   2. Name________________________________________Phone_________________________

Please tell us why you would like to become a GU Volunteer:_____________________


What volunteer experiences have you enjoyed?____________________________________


Have you had prior experience at an animal shelter or in a related field?_______


Are you a current member of any animal welfare/rights organization?_____________

What organizations?_____________________________________________________________

Volunteering for GU is not only animal related, it also involves constant

contact with the general public. What are your feelings about interacting with

all types of people?____________________________________________________________


What knowledge do you have about greyhounds?____________________________________


Would you be willing to help in any specific areas (i.e., skill set)?

Construction Skills: Carpentry_____ Plumbing_____ Painting_____ Electrical______ 

Computer Skills:_______   Photography Skills:_______   Writing Skills:_______

Public Relations:________     Vet/Medical:_________     Fundraising:_________

Creative abilities:__________ (i.e., hobbies)



Do you have any physical, medical or psychological limitations, disabilities

or allergies?___________________________________________________________________

Date of last tetanus shot_______________________________________________________


I would like to help in these specific areas:

   _____ Attend Meet & Greets to talk to people about greyhounds;

   _____ Participate in hands-on time with the greyhounds available for

         adoption; this would involve petting, giving baths and trimming nails

         when needed. These pups need and want human contact so badly, and 

         there are just so many hands to go around! 

   _____ Attend special events with your greyhound;

   _____ Participate in a GUR (Greyhound Underground Railroad), which involves

         transporting greyhounds from our area to a location out of state;

   _____ Pick up or deliver a greyhound to our foster kennel within a 150 to 


   _____ Fostering a greyhound;

   _____ Help with sales of merchandise;

   _____ Help with the newsletter publication and distribution;

   _____ Help with food donations for the greyhounds;

   _____ Help with kennel repair or construction;

   _____ Other areas of interest you would like to help with or suggestions:



I confirm that all the information in this application is correct, and I give GU

permission to verify any information disclosed within.


Thank you for your interest in filling this out; please mail to:

   Greyhounds Unlimited

   Attention: Volunteer Coordinator

   P.O. Box 703967

   Dallas, TX 75370-3967